The series will star Atsushi Kisaichi as Aoba, Hiroki Takahashi as Kōjaku, Satoshi Hino as Noiz, Kenichirou Matsuda as Mink, Masatomo Nakazawa as Clear and Ryota Takeuchi as Ren.
The series has a great bit of availability for premium members as it’s open to them worldwide excluding Asia, with free members being able to watch in the following territories: USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden.
Plot concept: The popular boys-love visual novel from Nitro+CHiRAL, DRAMAtical Murder gets an anime adaptation! The story revolves around a young man named Aoba who works in a junk shop. Recently, an online cyber game called “Rhyme” becomes popular on the island he lives on. Though Aoba has no interest in Rhyme, he is somehow pulled into it. Without knowing it, his peaceful days have come to an end!
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