Muromi-san Episode #04 Anime Review

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Muromi-san Episode #04 Anime Review

Muromi-san Episode 4

Two new friends enter the picture as the range of species grows more.

What They Say:
Takkun meets another one of Muromi’s unique friends, later the trend continues much to the chagrin of Muromi.

The Review:
Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers)
Muromi-san managed to surprise me a bit in the previous episode by not bringing Takkun into it as you almost expect him to be one of the features of each episode so you’d have someone playing the straight man. But with more of Muromi’s friends being brought into play, we get to see other sides of her and her past, which figures into this episode as well. Takkun gets some direct hands on experience with a new girl who just appears out of the blue and looks somewhat normal, only to be shocked that she’s someone who knows Muromi. And he smartly gets a bit panicked over it since you never know what someone from her world will be like. And Yeti is one that’s worth being wary of as she’s dangerous with her physical attack skills.

Yeti doesn’t figure too heavily into the first half even if she is the primary motivation for things, but there’s some cuts gags about how she got into the country and what she takes back to the Himalayas when she goes back home, making her even more dangerous down the line. She ends up coming back, sans new weapon though, and brings a new friend with her named Harpy that she found in some trap. Harpy, being a bird, is something of a natural enemy for Muromi and her kind and the fear, panic and comedic intensity that Muromi brings into the meeting is great. Especially since Yeti deadpans it all and Harpy is just so happy go lucky. And hungry, as she gets to nibbling at Muromi as well, which shows of the cycle of life in how animals eat other animals. Takkun gets drawn into it as well and everything he learns online makes him wary of Harpy, which is warranted when you realize just how short Harpy’s memory is.

In Summary:
The introduction of Yeti brings us a new deadpan character for everyone to play off of a little, which is useful when dealing with the hyper Muromi and you don’t want Takkun to be the only one to do that. She’s cute and somewhat fun, making for some enjoyable scenes early on. The introduction of Harpy has me a bit less enthused though since she and Yeti are both different species and I’m not quite sure that was necessary so early on here. And Harpy is less enjoyable of a character than the others, which we’ve already gotten barely a token look at. But Harpy brings in the innocent child type character, albeit a very dangerous one, and there are some cute moments to be had.

Grade: B

Streamed By: Crunchyroll

Review Equipment:
Sony KDS-R70XBR2 70″ LCoS 1080P HDTV, Dell 10.1 Netbook via HDMI set to 1080p, Onkyo TX-SR605 Receiver and Panasonic SB-TP20S Multi-Channel Speaker System With 100-Watt Subwoofer.



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