Nozomi Sets ‘Maria Watches Over Us’ Season 2 Anime Reprice Release

by 12:08 AM 0 comments
Nozomi Sets ‘Maria Watches Over Us’ Season 2 Anime Reprice Release Nozomi Entertainment has announced a November 6th release date for the second season of Maria Watches Over Us, a litebox style re-release of the thirteen episode season in priced down for at just $39.99. The single sized case will feature the same discs as before and will feature Japanese audio, along with English on-screen translations, and two English-language subtitle tracks: one with regular dialogue subtitles and a second, special subtitle track that retains the Japanese honorifics. The extras for the release are also the same with season 2 specials 1-6 and liner notes.

Plot Concept: The spring term is beginning for the students at Lillian Girls’ Academy. Friends are reunited, but for the Yamayuri Council, it’s a bittersweet time. Yoko, Eriko, and Sei are busy preparing to depart Lillian, while Sachiko, Rei, and Shimako are doing their best to ensure that their dear sisters receive a memorable commencement. Sei’s departure will leave a sizable hole in the White Roses and filling it won’t be easy. But is there anyone who will appeal to Shimako enough to become the next Rosa Gigantea en bouton?

Contains the complete 13-episode second season, plus Season 2 specials.

MARIA WATCHES OVER US, Season 2: Printemps
Format: DVD (Litebox)
Street Date: 11/6/2012
Runtime: 325 minutes
Genre: Drama
Suggested Rating: 13+

Audio: Japanese (Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo)
Subtitles: 2 English subtitle tracks, plus English on-screen translations
Video: 4:3, Color
SRP: $39.99

Discs/Set: 4
Case Quantity: 30

Two English subtitle tracks (standard dialogue subtitles, plus a special subtitle track that includes Japanese honorifics) and English on-screen translations. PLUS: Season 2 specials 1-6, liner notes and Nozomi Entertainment trailers.

Nozomi Sets ‘Maria Watches Over Us’ Season 2 Anime Reprice Release



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