“While I can’t get the confirmations I need to verify the story, I’m hearing that there are some very cool “Spider-Man” plans being discussed that would help Sony refocus their enormously important franchise while also opening up some connections in the onscreen Marvel movie universe that would blow fandom’s minds. Will it work out? I don’t know. I would love to be able to state for sure that it’s happening. What seems clear from what I’ve heard is that Marvel wants to be able to play with all of their characters, and if they can make that work creatively and on a corporate level, they will, and that means the world gets bigger again.”
While it may go a bit against the corporate culture grain to work together in this form, it’s something that could make the franchise far more profitable for Sony. Connecting the character back in, having Sony run point on it as the franchise as a whole, eliminates the “confusion” of the casual fans who can’t understand why it’s gone on like this. With upcoming Spider-Man films a bit shaky since they’ve been delayed indefinitely after the performance of Amazing Spider-Man 2, the idea of bringing it all together and shifting some of Marvel Studios to more of an overseer role for outside films is certainly intriguing.
With things in flux, the folks at Badass Digest have a few things they’re hearing as well, which is interesting and problematic at the same time. They’re hearing that one idea is doing a soft reboot with a new actor (which we think is unfortunate, as Andrew Garfield nailed the character well and has been a fantastic ambassador for Sony to kids with it) by having him work with the villains in a Dirty Dozen style to deal with a larger threat. This is familiar since it was an Ultimate Six storyline from a few years back. The other option is to just retire the character for a few years and focus on the side characters. Additionally, they’re also reporting that the Venom feature is functionally dead once again.
[Source: HitFix ]
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