World Trigger Vol. #02 Manga Review

by 9:45 PM 0 comments
World Trigger Vol. #02 Manga Review Crossing the Border!

Creative Staff
Story/Art: Daisuke Ashihara
Translation: Lillian Olsen

What They Say
Ever since meeting Yuma, Osamu has protected the feisty Neighbor’s secret through a combination of covering up and taking credit for Yuma’s actions. Turns out, though, Yuma isn’t the only person Osamu’s been protecting. He sets in motion a plan to help his friend Chika, who for mysterious reasons seems to attract Neighbors. And it also becomes clear that Osamu isn’t covering for Yuma as well as he thinks…

Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers):
With the giant Neighbor bombarding the city, Ai rushes off into action, while Osamu follows to help the citizens and tells Yuma to stay behind and help out if necessary. Ai manages to slip past the monster’s defenses and send it towards the ground, but that proves ineffective when it prepares to self-destruct. However, thanks to some quick thinking Yuma is able to cause it to safely explode in the river instead of in a populated area, and is able to avoid detection as well!

In the aftermath, Osamu is called in by Border’s top brass. Also included in the meeting is the elite S-rank agent Yuichi Jin, and thanks to his help our bespectacled hero is able to avoid punishment. However, our hero slips up on a question, causing him to unknowingly leak that he’s involved with a Neighbor! Later on, Jin meets up with Yuma and Osamu, explaining that his “side effect” lets him see a person’s future, and that he’s not concerned about Yuma. Yuma then explains that some tiny Neighbors have been behind the abnormal gates, and thanks to Border’s forces the problem is able to wrap up without any further incident.

Finally, we meet Chika Amatori, the little sister of Osamu’s tutor and someone who has a tendency to attract Neighbors. Yuma explains that Neighbors capture people with high trion levels for their war, and sure enough Chika’s are off the charts. With that the elite Miwa Squad bursts onto the scene, prepared to wipe out Yuma. Though Yuma has had no problems thus far, will he be able to deal with the trigger-wielding elite of Border, or has his luck finally run out?

In Summary
This volume does a good job of continuing the series after the nice setup in the opening volume. Once more, we continue to be drip-fed bits and pieces of information about both Border and the Neighbors, helping to flesh out both sides. Jin and Chika also make some nice additions to the cast, the former in particular proving pretty fun. And of course, the battle at the end of the volume is definitely exciting and shows off some great possibilities of where the series may be heading. It’ll certainly be interesting to see where the series heads from here on out, but for now this remains another enjoyable entry that’s definitely worth reading.

Content Grade: A-
Art Grade: A-
Packaging Grade: A-
Text/Translation Grade: B+

Age Rating: 13+
Released By: Viz Media
Release Date: October 7th, 2014
MSRP: $9.99



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