Day Break Illusion Episode #11 Anime Review

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Day Break Illusion Episode #11 Anime Review

Day Break Illusion Episode 11

Akari finally learns about the secret of her birth as she struggles to try to overcome this ordeal.

What They Say:
Since ancient times long past, this world has been ruled by two tarot cards. Diablos Tarot—The tarot of the devil that feasts on the souls of living humans and uses that nourishment to bring countless pain and suffering. Elemental Tarot—The tarot that draws its energy from the power of nature in order to oppose the Diablos Tarot.

The Review:
Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers)
Seira has arrived at the enemy’s base, ready to do whatever it takes to save Luna. Despite how annoying she was for the first half of the series or so, she may actually be one of the more likable characters at this point, if only because she’s the one who seems to be doing the most to actually try to put everything back as it should be, even though she’s the least likely candidate to do so, having lost all of her powers. This kicks off an episode chock full of talking about fate, setting up for the final two episodes, and making sure to continue relishing in making the characters suffer as much as possible. It’s definitely all building to a finale, but with the way it’s all being carried out it’s really hard to imagine that it will be remotely satisfying.

There’s a brief moment alluding to Ginka still existing in some capacity, further lending to the possibility that, while the series is certainly making sure to keep the levels of suffering increasing more and more with each passing episode, all the main characters may survive in the end after all. As I’ve stated before, it feels like cheap storytelling to try to get us to care about these characters simply by making terrible things happen to them, especially if it ends up that it can all be undone in such a simple and fairly generic fashion.

But these parts are relatively minor in comparison to the main point of the episode, which is to reveal Akari’s origin. I’d simply say that it’s a big plot twist and leave it at that, but it’s been pretty obvious for the last few episodes, so I’ll go ahead and acknowledge it: Akari is part-Daemonia.

So that’s the setup, basically. Akari knows what she really is, and is now finally ready to go out there to try to help her friends. On one hand there’s slightly less obnoxiously cryptic nonsense meant to keep us intrigued without really making any sense, but on the other hand (aside from the fact that there is in fact still some of that), the explanations only prove how shallow the mysteries were in the first place, and feel very underwhelming for the apparent weight that had been put into them. Some more of this comes when the crow Laplace is seen talking to presumably his boss, who seems pretty tight with main villain Cerebrum. Considering the guy spent most of the episode trying to get Seira to kill Luna in order to get her own powers back, I think it’s safe to say that he won’t end up being a good guy, and that, as has been pretty obvious from the start, the guys upstairs are perhaps the worst of all. With Cerebrum telling Seira that Luna can never be changed back and telling Akari the opposite, there is still some question as to what will actually end up happening in the last two episodes, but it doesn’t feel like there’s much hope for anything great either way.

In Summary:
As Seira tries to save Luna and Cerebrum tells her that killing her friend is the only way to do so and to get her own powers back, Akari learns the truth of her origin, and tries to figure out how to use that information to save her friends as well, even if it means negotiating with Cerebrum. It continues to be full of uncreative plot twists that attempt to evoke strong emotion but fall flat.

Grade: C-

Streamed By: Crunchyroll

Review Equipment:
Custom-Built PC, 27” 1080p HDTV.



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