DC Comics Talks To ‘Justice League Dark’ Artist

by 9:19 AM 0 comments
DC Comics Talks To ‘Justice League Dark’ Artist One of the more surprising titles to be announced in the new September launch is that of Justice League Dark. While it’s a title that feels like it should be considered part of the Justice League family of titles, it’s instead spun out to the darker and supernatural side of the DC Universe since it deals with characters like The Enchantress, Shade the Changing Man, Madame Xanadu, Deadman, Zatanna and John Constantine. I mean, Constantine, on a team? That’s going to be interesting to pull off and they’ve put a creative person behind it with Peter Milligan handling the writing chores. DC Comics is continuing its approach of straightforward Q&A with various writers and artists, and this time they sat down with Mikel Janin, the man who will be attempting to translate Milligan’s scripts into reality through his artwork.

THE SOURCE: What about DC’s new 52 titles excites you the most?

MIKEL JANIN: The whole idea of the relaunch is way exciting for me. I’ve been out of comics for a while, but I love them and I especially love DC characters. So for me as a reader, this is the best thing DC could do. I’m in for a bunch of titles. And of course, being part of this is just a dream coming true. A few months ago, I was on the other side trying to break into the comic book industry. I never dreamed I could be part of such a thing! And teaming up with Peter Milligan! What more I can say? I’m the most excited guy in the world!

How and why are you shaking up the series’ status quo?

Well, it’s a new series, so the status quo is new for all the characters. They’re characters within the DC Universe but the approach to them is something different. Peter is really seeking deeply inside these characters. And John Constantine being part of a Justice League, even if it’s a Dark one, is something worth seeing!

What new characters will debut in the series?

Mindwarp! He’s a new character created by Peter. Actually, he appears in FLASHPOINT, but he is new for the readers. JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK is a good place to have him.

Will we see new character designs?

Sure! Some like Deadman or Constantine are very similar to what’s already out there, but others like Zatanna or the Enchantress have a brand new look. We have been working for a while on all the characters’ designs and we are all happy with their final looks.

What’s the first line of dialogue in the first issue?

“My name is Madame Xanadu. I have looked into the future.”

What’s the biggest surprise you’ve had working on this character/book?

It’s plenty of surprises, but the Enchantress is the biggest one.

What secret has been the hardest to keep?

That I’m drawing a Peter Milligan book!

What were your thoughts about the day-and-date digital announcement?

I think it’s the future and I’m 100% for it. I live in Spain and to buy comics is a bit more complicated than in the USA, so digital and trade paperback are my best choices as a reader.



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