Deadman Wonderland Episode #03 Review

by 10:21 AM 0 comments
Deadman Wonderland Episode #03 Review Ganta’s life only gets crazier as events spiral further out of his control and understanding.

What They Say:
Episode 3

The Review:
Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers)
After the Dog Race in the previous episode which showed just how far things can go, it’s apparent that it actually went further than some of those in power behind the scenes intended it to since they can cover for things only so far. It’s an interesting revelation early on about their being some limits, self-imposed perhaps, about how much abuse they can heap on the prisoners that they work through the Deadman Wonderland amusement park. While Shiro moved through it in a way that only she seems able to, it came down to the face off between Ganta and his opponent, but he showed something that you can’t help but suspect doesn’t happen often between competitors in that he saved Shiro in the midst of all that had happened when she fell off.

The events after the race are a bit surreal as you have a lot of people from it surprised that it was as rough as it was and even Yoh commenting on the fact that he probably would have died if he had entered. With what Ganta accomplished though, it’s causing some to look at him differently, and Yoh especially, as they try to balance out what they’ve seen of him and what his reputation is from the press and the supposed murder of his enter class. It’s short lived though as the mysterious person that showed up at his school has arrived again to cause trouble, but this time Ganta is filled with rage and anger and can manipulate the abilities that are seemingly within him so he can fight back. It’s a strikingly beautiful if disturbing moment when he first does this, and the contrast with his otherwise weak personality is shown once again.

This arrival is very significant, though Ganta at first thinks it’s a dream, but other prisoners have seen it as well and what he became. More importantly, some have seen the mysterious man before and know him as a harbinger of death. The whole event has sent waves through the prison as the warden wants it clamped down, which makes sense since Ganta seemingly possesses a powerful weapon they can’t see, but also because she can’t trust the promoters above her to do the right thing to ensure the safety and order of those within the prison. It’s an interesting situation across the board, but everything has this kind of disconnect when it comes to hunting down Ganta. Considering how they portrayed the place before, having a hard time finding him, or at least letting him run around for awhile, feels slightly off. But it lets the tension rise and puts Ganta and Shiro together with Yoh in a way that has them on the run together, which certainly makes you question Yoh all the more.

In Summary:
Deadman Wonderland continues to offer a lot of mystery and uncertainty with very little in the way of answers. It’s still at that stage where it can get away with this since it’s been moving pretty quick and dealing well with the chaotic nature of the situation, but it’s getting close to needing to firm up certain story points so it can move forward in a direction that makes sense. There is some fun in watching Ganta being thrown about in all of these situations, and there is definitely a lot of curious things surrounding him such as Yoh and Shiro as well as his own power. Add in the Red Man himself and it’s even more intriguing, but it needs to capitalize on a little bit of it soon so that the viewer doesn’t feel like they’re being jerked around. Right now, Deadman Wonderland is pretty captivating for its visuals and what it can become and it certainly merits checking out to see if they can make something of it.

Grade: B

Simulcast By: Crunchyroll

Review Equipment:
Sony KDS-R70XBR2 70″ LCoS 1080P HDTV, Dell 10.1 Netbook via HDMI set to 1080p, Onkyo TX-SR605 Receiver and Panasonic SB-TP20S Multi-Channel Speaker System With 100-Watt Subwoofer.

Deadman Wonderland Episode #03 Review



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