Recently, My Sister Is Unusual Episode #02 Anime Review

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Recently, My Sister Is Unusual Episode #02 Anime Review

Recently, My Sister Is Unusual Episode 2

Mitsuki’s starting to learn more of what Hiyori is after in using her body.

What They Say:
Yuya and Mitsuki have recently become brother and sister because of their parents remarrying. Mitsuki is having a hard time opening up to her new family, but their parents leave for a foreign country right after getting married before that can get any better. As Mitsuki is troubled by her new life living alone with Yuya, a amnesiac ghost girl, Hiyori, appears before her, and she is forced to help her pass on to the next world…

The Review:
Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers)
The opening episode of this series certainly went in a few unexpected directions with the way we got a brother/sister combo that is both unrelated and had just met and that we get a ghost that has decided to inhabit Mitsuki’s body. A ghost that is looking to pass on to the next work but has to meet certain conditions first, which seems to include having a really good time sexually in a host body. That’s something that we saw some amusing situations between Hiyori and Mitsuki as Mitsuki struggles to understand what’s going on and how her body is being used, but also in seeing the unaware Yuya simply trying to do right by his new sister. You essentially have to feel bad for everyone involved, though you also have to laugh. Or at least I do because it tickled the right funny bone with what it was doing.

With this episode, we get a bit of background on Hiroyi at the start as she shows the outside of Heaven to Mitsuki and details her death and how one of her big unresolved issues was not being able to confess her feelings to her big brother. She’s managed to sort of bully Mitsuki into helping her by using her brother as a substitute. The confession side is a big part of it, but Hiyori is also wanting to date, kiss and have sex, which really puts Mitsuki in a bind – literally, since she has the whole chastity belt gimmick on her as well that will be there until the whole situation is resolved. So she sort of accepts the basics of this at the moment, though not exactly a complete follow through. The problem is that she has Hiyori following her around all the time and talking to her and causing some problems because of the whole belt situation and more. It just makes for a lot of awkward moments, enough that even Yuya catches wind of it and is getting concerned about her.

And naturally, he has to see her at her worst when she loses control while in the school nurses office, which is just cringe inducing for oh so many reasons. I did love how the nurse just covered his eyes nicely while Mitsuki is struggling with the embarrassment over it. It’s pretty much how you figure Mitsuki’s life is going to go for awhile in that Hiyori’s presence is just going to be an ongoing series of problems and embarrassments. But she’s not going to be the only one as we even get a little naked Yuya time, which was done in an amusing way. But while we do get this good scene to show they’ll play up both genders, you know it’s going to be more about Mitsuki and Hiyori, which leads to an awkward as hell but amusing bath scene where Hiyori shows Mitsuki the pleasures of enjoying oneself. As I had talked about back in Kokoro Connect, it’s rare for an anime show to actually talk about such a subject, so I love it just from that aspect since it’s already a lot more honest than most others when it comes down to sexuality. Even in a strange situation like this.

In Summary:
Yep. I’m still enjoying this show. It’s not a guilty pleasure because I don’t feel guilty about it at all, but it is an awkward series depending on how you feel about sex and it being more blunt like this. Yuya and Hiyori spend a lot of time together this episode in conversation and in other silly and sexual situations while also giving us some time with Yuya getting involved, both as a concerned person and someone that’s dragged into the awkwardness of it all. The relationship between Mitsuki and Hiyori is what looks to be the most fun here and I’m glad they’re spending time on it rather than just keeping it to the side. There’s a lot to like here if you’re of a particular personality (like I am) as this hits some very fun moments and has the potential to do some interesting stuff when it comes to sexuality.

Grade: B+

Streamed By: Crunchyroll

Review Equipment:
Sony KDL70R550A 70″ LED 1080P HDTV, Apple TV via HDMI set to 1080p, Onkyo TX-SR605 Receiver and Panasonic SB-TP20S Multi-Channel Speaker System With 100-Watt Subwoofer.



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