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From the last blog, we have talked about the very beginning threee mysteries on Fairy Tail, and in this blog we are going to talk about the following four, now let’s have a look at them!

4.Lulu prophecy
And Habib belongs to another dimension of the same creature, in that is called “transcendence” We also learned that Lulu is beyond the Queen’s children, and his mother has the same ability to predict the future, but the predictable Lulu future again appeared in the recent comics, and that the horrors of the screen and Lucy cry, which in the end what will happen? why Lulu’s ability to predict the future is always dangerous it?

5.Jelf’s legend
About Jelf’s legend has been the center of the work, a lot of chapters in almost all around the Jelf in the story unfold, until Sirius island appears Jelf finally exposed. From Hades, we learned Jelf has been sealed somewhere, but that is not the case, Jelf is staying in Sirius Island, which belongs to the “Fairy Tail“. Why is the sacred island appeared Jelf place, and none have been here for many years to find?
Jelf is not the incarnation of evil, see the way he looks very painful, that want to die feeling can not be dead, what happened on Jelf, and why still alive after a few hundred years, will Jelf’s Legend continue?

6.Ten Holy Wizards
“Holy Ten Wizards” can be described as the strongest characters on fairy tail, was recognized as the world’s top ten, their magics are powerful, but the Holy Ten title since emerged with only four, celestial magic kit Lal, a giant light magic Makarov, dark magic and earth magic dove Joseph pulled, there will be six exactly what magic it gorgeous?

7.Natsu and Jelf
Finally, the relationship between Natsu and Jelf is also making us confused. Natsu encountered when meets Jelf on Sirius Island, Jelf Natsu seems very happy, finally see you again, perhaps he was expecting Natsu able to kill him, but Natsu remembered nothing, what had happened between them? Did Natsu come to Sirius Island before? Or the origin from ancient between Natsu and Jelf? Does Natsu really have the ability to eliminate all evils?

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