Axis Powers Hetalia Korea Im Yong Soo Cosplay Costume

by 9:29 AM 0 comments



South Korea, Im Yong Soo, is the youngest of all the Asian Nations in the Axis Power Hetalia series. He is very responsible and with this virtue, he often claims the responsibility to do the work for others since he wants to offer his helping hand. He is very close to his family and shows and manifests his affection for his own family in bizarre ways. South Korea, is a free spirited character. He is also wild and it would be rare to see him in a serious affect since he is always in a relaxed mood. Enjoy being obsessed in playing video games, the internet, watching drama and studying abroad. This particular Axis Powers Hetalia Korea Im Yong Soo Costume pack is constantly one of the best sellers on any cosplay store. This is a truly classic item and is a must-have outfit for all the Axis Powers Hetalia Cosplay cosplay fans.

Axis Powers Hetalia Korea Im Yong Soo Cosplay Costume

Axis Powers Hetalia Korea Im Yong Soo Cosplay Costume



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