3 Easy Cosplay Ideas for Cosplayers

by 12:50 AM 0 comments
Nice and easy. Nothing would beat a cosplay costume which is very easy to execute and very nice to manage. What else are you waiting for? Why do you need to complicate things when you can actually cosplay the easy way? Have fun while you enjoy cosplaying and make sure that you always have the urge to simplify things for you own convenience. You do not have to stress yourself or feel uneasy when all you have to do is to check your list which will help you to cosplay in a very easy and fun way.
Shiki(Shiki-ty) Heather Mason Cosplay Photo
NO.1 Wear your school uniform and become like a Sailor from Sailor moon

Usually the easiest to cosplay are those with school uniforms. Any character wearing a school uniform should be fairly easy to recreate like those from the Sailor Moon. Sailor moon is known to be a very popular anime series. Its roots are inculcated from Japan. The story primarily involves a team of girls who have their own individual powers. The pretty and magical girls transform from being an ordinary school girl to powerful ladies in bright colored costumes.
Shiki(Shiki-ty) Alice Cosplay Photo
NO.2 Wear Black Robe for Naruto Uchiha Sasuke

Enjoy the comfort of your black robe and feel that you are a real genius. Unleash your superiority complex to the crowd and make them obsess with your costume. Make sure you have your black haircut with spikes on the back, with a tint of blue, which could also lengthen patterned as to how the story progressed.
Angelina D Shamrock(Itakoo) Paddra Nsu -Yeul Cosplay Photo
Make sure the bangs of your hair would hang on both sides of your face to perfectly frame your cheeks. You will enjoy cosplaying your favorite Uchiha Sasuke cosplay costume. Execute your revenge like the Uchiha Sasuke character to give everyone a taste of your power and feel the power as you get stronger. You will definitely score high in performance tests. Your prowess will definitely surprise everyone as you wear your costume and full accessories.
Kate(Tamiko) Alice Cosplay Photo
NO.3 Wear your coat, glasses and magnifying glass- Instant Detective

Conan Edogawa, Jimmy Kudo who is a young and skillful detective who was transformed into a child form after being poisoned. Enjoy cosplaying Jimmy Kudo who is a 17 year old high school prodigy who frequently helps the police and the people with authority in solving cases and crimes.
Irachka Harley Quinn Cosplay Photo



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