30 Day Movie Challenge Day 0: Let’s Do This

by 12:45 AM 0 comments
30 Day Movie Challenge Day 0: Let’s Do This Having completed the 30 days of anime challenge awhile ago and finishing up yesterday the 30 days of comic books , we’re going to hit one more up before the end of 2014.

As those who have spent a lot of time with me will know, I’m very much into movies. While my anime DVD/BD collection is strong, it’s rivaled by the movie collection. I’m a fan of a whole lot of genres and have watched a ton of things over the years, so it’s a challenge that I’m interested in once again as it really does get you to think about things, which I’ve seen with the two previous challenges.

There will likely be a little bit of crossover with some of the other challenges since there’s some bleeding between them, but I’m looking forward to delving into the realm of movies a bit more. There’s a lot of fantastic stuff out there from the days of past and what’s out in the last couple of years to deal with. So I hope you’ll join in with these as well and sound off on what you think with the individual challenges and where you fall with them as we move into the challenge this November!



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