From The New World Episode #14 Anime Review

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From The New World Episode #14 Anime Review

From The New World Episode 14

Saki’s back in the village and about to get questioned pretty seriously.

What They Say:
Saki and Satoru have returned to the village, but upon arrival Saki is ushered to a meeting with the Education Committee. Her fate is now in the hands of the adults who know all her secrets.

The Review:
Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers)
Having spent their time out of the village and looking for their friend, things have gone in some difficult directions for all involved, but not it’s all coming to a head. With Saki and Satoru having come back to the village, Saki is the one that will get the brunt of things to deal with when it comes to the Education Committee. She’s had her run ins with aspects of it in different ways so far, but she understands the situation and how much that they must know, though she does her best to massage her answers with them in the best way possible. With Mamoru having been such an important thing to both her and the others in the group, she’s willing to face down a committee like this as best as she can.

While they throw a lot of questions at her and are pretty intimidating in their own way in the midst of the hearing, they also make plenty of accusations towards her. But it’s good to see how Saki holds her own and knows what information to bring out in order to really tweak them and make them far more engaged and upset than they would be otherwise. It may not be intentional, but she’s able to throw them off balance with what’s going on, especially when she starts talking about the Impure Cat and what that means. What helps to smooth things out a bit, at least in some sense, is when Tomiko makes her way into the meeting and exerts a little pressure, even though they have full rights there to question things. What Tomiko brings is a bit of specialized knowledge of events, blaming herself for aspects of what’s happened, but also puts enough out there to ensure that others would fall much harder.

We also glean a bit more from Tomiko that’s important, as we learn that the reason Saki’s group hasn’t received regular hypnotic work is that while they want loyal people in the village, loyal people aren’t the best ones to deal with protecting the village. They need people that can exercise full and free though, albeit with certain conditioning in order to know where allegiances do lie. The ongoing dialogue between Saki and Tomiko is really interesting as it continues to lay out more ideas and layers for the world that’s been built while also dealing with what it means to survive and run something like this, comparing in simple ways how things were done by some rulers before to how they’re doing it themselves.

In Summary:
From the New World continues to slowly immerse in everything that’s going on here and it’s no surprise that it’s still moving at a near glacial pace, at least in terms of how progress seems to happy. What the series continues to do well though is to introduce new ideas, new ways of looking at what’s going on and an expanded look at how this particular part of world in this strange future works like. With what we get here, it’s an intriguing bit of material that’s doled out in piecemeal, first with the Education Committee and then with Tomiko, but it’s what Tomiko continues to bring to the table that’s really making you wonder. Her dialogue about cell division alone will likely become a bigger part as it goes on, seeding where things may go.

Grade: B

Streamed By: FUNimation

Review Equipment:
Sony KDS-R70XBR2 70″ LCoS 1080P HDTV, Dell 10.1 Netbook via HDMI set to 1080p, Onkyo TX-SR605 Receiver and Panasonic SB-TP20S Multi-Channel Speaker System With 100-Watt Subwoofer.



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